Our Services
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Sydney Paediatric Occupational Therapy Centre is practice owned and serviced by Moushami. The centre offers Occupational Therapy intervention and assessment for children. We offer services to a range of neurological disorders such as; Sensory Processing Disorder, Learning Difficulties, Dyspraxia, ADD/ADHD, Developmental Delay, Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, Downs Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, Prader Willi Syndrome, Visual & Hearing Impairments, Emotional & Behavioural Disorders. At the Centre we aim to unlock each child’s potential and to support their development through a motivational framework of playful activities. We have a strong focus on evidence based practice. We plan and coordinate customized therapy programs to suit individual conditions and needs. The aim of each of these programs is to maximize independence in activities of daily living. Our therapy and intervention is based on the principles of Sensory Integration Theory developed by Jean Ayres, Greenspan's DIR Floor time approach and Neurological principles of brain growth in Child Development .

OT Assesment Services
Comprehensive Occupational Therapy assessments are aimed at understanding the strengths, weakness and difficulties of the child to plan treatment priorities. The assessment is structured and includes use of various formal and informal methods to obtain a baseline evaluation of the child. This session also gives opportunity for the parents to share their concerns and understand how Occupational Therapy program would help their child achieve his maximum potential. The assessment time varies from 90 minutes to 120 minutes depending on the concerns. A formal report of assessment is provided to the parents. The report is a guideline to plan and upgrade therapy goals for present and in future.

Therapy sessions
The goals and priorities set in the therapy plan are based on the assessment. Developmental group therapy sessions are designed to help the child achieve optimum functional independence. The duration may be for 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour depending on the need as assessed and frequency determined by therapist. The therapy sessions adhere to the evidence based Occupational Therapy practices, Sensory integration and Floor time approach. While they provide the just right challenge for the child, they enhance the under developed skills of the child. The therapeutic sessions are scientifically designed and achieve goals through play. The therapy is child-oriented and provides opportunity for continuous development of skills and learning.

In-services for Preschools and Schools
We believe that the child needs to overcome whatever his challenges are in different environments. Other than home, the child spends most of his time at preschool or school. Hence we also provide consults to schools and preschools to provide information and consultation to those working with the child to help the child optimize his development and capacities in his environment.

(Stimulating Mental Abilities and Readiness Training): School Readiness Program
This program is designed to equip any child in the age group of 3-5 years with appropriate skills and mind set to enter in to the exciting, challenging and beautiful environment of school. The whole SMARTTM (Stimulating Metal Abilities and Readiness Training) program is a result of 16+ years of research in child development. Every child receives his Developmental Profile that provides insight in to the strengths and weaker facets of the child. The program is aimed at developing and enhancing:
- • Fine and gross motor skills which facilitates writing skills and abilities to carryout physical activities
- • Cognitive abilities which facilitates learning ,comprehension of various subjects and problem solving
- • Social skills, Psycho motor skills which facilitates peer relations, appropriate behaviour, emotional adjustments
These are one hour group sessions carried out with maximum 4 children once/twice a week.
Professional Supervision and Mentoring We offer clinical supervision to therapists to enhance their clinical skills, help in goal setting, choice of therapy interventions and activities and interaction with clients and their families.